A wayward petal started it all.

Being a southern California girl, seasons weren’t something I experienced until I moved to North Carolina a few years ago.

One beautiful spring afternoon I was enjoying a drive with the wind on my face.

I found myself reflecting on the lonely journey of entrepreneurship and how overwhelming it sometimes feels trying to tick everything off my to-do list to reach “the next level” of success. 

Two specific things were filling me with self-doubt.

It felt like no other business owner was struggling like I was and that everyone else was able to seamlessly handle all of the 10,000 tasks that came with owning a business.

Have you ever felt that way?

The weight of it can be crushing.

And then from seemingly nowhere, a white petal from an unidentified tree was there beside me. 

It danced in the breeze for a few seconds before powering through my car window and directly into my open mouth.

Turns out that narrowly avoiding choking on a petal will quickly snap you back to reality. I was reminded that taking your business too seriously is the easiest way to slide into the doom spiral of overthinking everything. 

When I finally stopped laughing it dawned on me that there must be others who felt the same way. 

That’s when I started to reach out to my fellow business owners and realized that everyone had moments of frantically treading, trying to keep their heads above water. Most everyone shared that the creative side of their business, specifically graphic creation, was a huge sticking point. While they understood the importance of having a visual strategy for their business, they didn’t have an interest in learning branding and design and knew their limited time was better spent elsewhere.

I began to understand that I could parlay my skills into serving clients creatively by designing scroll-stopping branding and graphics for all aspects of their business.

You don’t have to have it together all the time to be a successful business owner. It’s impossible to predict the twists and turns in front of you and to have the time to learn everything. 

Success is understanding your service is a gift. Regardless of your skill or interest level, you should have the opportunity to visually share that gift with potential clients. It’s more than just checking an item off your list. It’s about creating a partnership that will be life changing and memorable. 

Together, we can tell your story to the world. 

In a former life, I was a strategist in the ad agency world and then a Professional Organizer. Now when I’m not helping others make a splash with their visuals, I spend my time spoiling my two rescue pups Lucy and Charlie, eating BBQ, planning my next trip to the beach and cheering on my beloved Steelers.

If you’re ready to start sharing that story, you can get in touch with me here. I can’t wait to hear from you.

You can follow along with Easy Breezy Creative by joining my email list and connecting on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.